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Pricing question

  • Wed, January 05, 2022 12:34 AM
    Reply # 12239058 on 12232504
    Deleted user

    Thanks a lot Victor! This is great (and encouraging) information. I was expecting that it would be much higher. 16 doors is all of a sudden much more appealing.

    Follow up question... Are we truly experiencing a trades shortage in Ottawa? If so, what's realistic in terms of timelines assuming I get a permit by the end of the year? I think I may need a minor variance concerning setbacks, but there are precedents in the area. Allowed height is 14.5m, so I'm not too concerned about that.

  • Tue, January 04, 2022 3:27 PM
    Reply # 12237954 on 12232504
    Victor Menasce (Administrator)

    That's a little like asking how much is dinner in a restaurant. There are so many variables that can affect the cost. 

    These days we are building at anywhere from $200-$260 per square foot, and parking is at $160 per square foot. But again, that can vary widely. We've seen some smaller projects costing above $300 per square foot. The site related costs can play a large role in the overall cost. The smaller the project, the larger the impact. There is no actual rule of thumb. 

  • Sun, January 02, 2022 10:55 AM
    Message # 12232504
    Deleted user

    What is the price per square foot to build a multi-family building in Ottawa, assuming the zoning is right (R4UD in my case - 14.5m maximum allowance) and I own the land outright?

    Is that price (per sq. ft.) the same depending on whether I build a 4-plex or 16 units?

    Last modified: Sun, January 02, 2022 10:56 AM | Deleted user

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