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2021 OREIO Elections

  • Wed, June 02, 2021 2:44 PM
    Reply # 10584254 on 10524744
    John Walsh (Administrator)


    I'm sure you have all been waiting with bated breath for the results of the nominating phase of the 2021 OREIO Elections.

    I am please to announce that all 8 positions will be acclaimed this year (a first for OREIO).

    Details as follows:

    • President - returning for yet another year, Victor Menasce 
    • Vice President - returning, Christian Szpilfogel (always have to check that spelling)
    • Secretary - returning, Michael Chan
    • Speaker Coordinator - returning, Babette Turner
    • Membership Coordinator - welcoming new to the team, Mathieu Laquerre
    • Publicity - new to this years exec, but returning from many years back, Steve Leconte
    • Treasurer - returning, Jacob Holmer
    • IT Specialist - returning, Brad Cartier

    Thanks again to all who are returning and to the "new" folks, for you willingness to keep ORIEO going strong.

    Thanks all. See everyone at the next meeting via zoom!

    P.S. ya that other guy will be back too. The flounder. Someone should run against him. :)

  • Wed, May 19, 2021 10:11 PM
    Message # 10524744

    The 2021 OREIO elections will take place on June 9th, 2021,  following our June OREIO meeting. On June 11th, You will receive an email to the address associated to your OREIO account with the voting instructions. Given the ongoing pandemic restrictions, this year's election will be entirely digital. We will be using our web services provider, Wild Apricot, as the technology to run this year's poll. We've tested this feature and it worked well.

    What will happen?

    1. May 19 - June 01: Nominations for all below positions are open. See instructions below to submit your candidacy.
    2. June 09: OREIO Meeting to announce all nominations and play the pre-recorded introductions of nominees.
    3. June 11: Voting will take place over a 24-hour period via email.
    4. June 14: Results of the elections will be sent out to all OREIO members.
    5. June 14 - July 21: Handover from former OREIO executive members to new ones.
    6. July 14: OREIO Meeting, run by new OREIO executive.
    Please note: You must double check the email address associated with your OREIO account. First off, the poll will be sent to that email only, and when voting you will need to login to your account. One vote per email, and Wild Apricot tracks and blocks more than one submission from each email.

    How to run for a position on the OREIO Executive:

    Step 1: Email the John Walsh (Founder) at: jr2walsh@gmail.com

    Step 2: Specify which position you are running for;

    • President
    • Vice President
    • Secretary
    • Speaker Coordinator
    • Membership Coordinator
    • Publicity
    • Treasurer
    • IT Specialist
    Step 3: Submit a maximum one page introductory letter / bio.

    Key points:

    • Your application must be received no later than June 1 5pm EST. Do not wait until the last minute!
    • Applications submitted past this cutoff time, will not be considered.
    • Introductions will take place at the June 10th OREIO meeting. You will have up to two minutes to introduce yourself using a pre-recorded video sent to  no later than June 7th to it@oreio.org . In this pre-recorded video you should tell the OREIO members why you want to be elected, and what you can bring to OREIO, or how you can make OREIO better.

    For the rest of the OREIO members, please note that only members with valid login to the OREIO website can vote. Candidates will present themselves with a brief pre-recorded video introduction at the beginning of the June 10th meeting, and the vote will open up a week after the meeting for a 24-hour period, ending June 17 at 10pm EST. The votes will be tallied up by the executive and announced the following day on June 18.

    Here is a description of each position.

    We hope to see you all present. This is your chance to have your voice heard!


    The OREIO Executive

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