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Proposition 21-1 Official Thread

  • Wed, April 14, 2021 9:20 PM
    Reply # 10313910 on 10184224

    Question and Answer Session

    Thursday 15 April 2021 

    7-8 pm

    Topic: OREIO Change Committee

    Join Zoom Meeting


    Meeting ID: 816 5617 2755

    Passcode: 818392

    Last modified: Wed, April 14, 2021 9:22 PM | MICHAEL CHAN
  • Sat, March 20, 2021 1:54 AM
    Reply # 10216296 on 10184224

    That's a great question John.   

    The board are proposing is based on an Operating Board function.

    The point of the exercise is to remove the rigid boxes of a traditional board.  Real-world board of directors slide back and forth in engagement from project to project.  This would allow board members to map their skills, experience and backgrounds against criteria for the project or initiative at hand.  

    To a certain degree the current board acts in this manner when it comes to projects and project phasing.  An example of this was the EOLO partnership and BRRR workshop.  Both projects required the executive members to engage at different levels and not particular to their defined roles.  This agile effort is required to run a  modern organization such as OREIO as we get into more ambitious projects.

    The project roles within the Board would be voted upon by the Board.    

    There should be two protected roles which require formal education or real world experience: IT/Webmaster and Treasurer.


    Last modified: Sat, March 20, 2021 2:04 AM | MICHAEL CHAN
  • Wed, March 17, 2021 5:13 PM
    Reply # 10207805 on 10184224
    John Walsh (Administrator)

    Maybe the proposal is a bit too short in description.

    How would the executive be elected? What process would they then follow to assign rolls? Or would the nominated volunteer for a role? What if there is a conflict for a position? etc. etc. 

  • Fri, March 12, 2021 11:13 AM
    Reply # 10190278 on 10184224

    This proposal aligns with the process required for incorporated non-profit corporations.  Whether or not OREIO chooses to incorporate, adopting this process will give authority to the Board to better assign tasks based on the Board Members capabilities and skills.

  • Wed, March 10, 2021 10:22 PM
    Message # 10184224

    Current Timeline

    Introduction of Proposition 21-1    - March 03, 2021

     Q&A - Forum and Zoom Meeting  - April 14,2021

    Voting Online       - April  (TBA)

    Specifics:  Complete adoption of bylaw language to be written and voted for by executive and enacted by membership at a general/annual meeting as per by law 7.1 

    Proposition 21-1

    Title:  Executive Board and Board Assignments

    ¡) Current Model: Board members are chosen by membership by nominated position.


    i) Executive Board role assignments can be reassigned by the Executive.

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