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Tony Miller - COVID-19 - Help for Members!

  • Fri, June 12, 2020 9:30 PM
    Reply # 9034049 on 9031843

    Hi members

    The attached files are: 

    Center for Disease Control (Original) Guidance for opening of businesses, schools, institution and restaurants.  -  You can read through this and have a better understanding of the phases governments are using and will implement.  This is a much more granular document than published one.   This document is also fully searchable.  We have also used this working document as the basis for our original two guidance reports. 


    AMGhome, is my company which has produced two guidance reports to COVID-19.  There are two such research reports to date, March and April (CDC report took the place of May).  These two documents show on a micro-local scale what a property company is doing to mitigate and manage operations, client and tenant assets.  It also gives actionable items and also a realistic market forecasts.  These documents where compiled under my direction for our clients originally.


    3 files
    Last modified: Fri, June 12, 2020 9:32 PM | Anonymous
  • Thu, June 11, 2020 9:40 PM
    Reply # 9032040 on 9031843
    Victor Menasce (Administrator)

    Tony, there was a Covid-19 segment at the March face to face meeting. There have also been several posts on the forum specifically to help local landlords.  But I don't believe you were present at the March meeting.  In fact, we rarely see you at OREIO meetings. 

    Over the past 6 years, I've attended over 85% of the meetings despite a hectic travel schedule. 

    Showing up at OREIO is a sign of commitment. 

    Please share with the members your attendance record over the past 6 years. They deserve to know.

    Last modified: Thu, June 11, 2020 9:43 PM | Victor Menasce (Administrator)
  • Thu, June 11, 2020 8:06 PM
    Message # 9031843
    Deleted user

    Hi everyone, there is lots of activity on the forum lately so thanks for taking the time to read this one. 

    I've noticed that there hasn't been any webinars or events or conference calls to help members with issues related to COVID-19. Maybe there has been but I missed them?

    I've talked to investors in Ottawa who are worried about their investments and are frustrated about how they are being treated by tenants, media, the general public and governments.

    If I'm elected as President, we will have webinars/meetings for members that will focus on COVID-19 and real estate/real estate investing.

    I've been invited to speak on several webinars/calls for other groups and I've hosted my own. Here's one I hosted with Kayla from OLW when we were getting used to using Zoom.

    It's called "Surviving COVID-19 - Tips for Mom & Pop Landlords"


    Last modified: Thu, June 11, 2020 8:38 PM | Deleted user

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