Hello Christian,
Let me clear up some of the points causing confusion.
I have not once said that we need hired staff...
I believe you assumed that when I used the word “Operations" I am referring to paid positions but this is not the case.
I firmly believe that our current size of operations does not require hired staff, this has been stated more than once in the train below.
Our current executive structure is made up of 4 "Operations" positions and 4 which are strictly executive.
I believe that 4 in either category is not enough however, those in the Operations roles should expect to do some of "busy work" you keep referring to.
The proposal I mentioned has a detailed break down of the executive board as well as the operations team I believe would be ideal to get the results we need without overloading a team of volunteers. Just to avoid further confusion, these would all start as volunteer positions, just more people sharing the load.
I know we have an exceptional membership base (many of whom have already been reaching out to me since Feb offering their assistance should the implementation of this plan become a reality). These volunteers would be able to assist in getting this organization moving forward without the need for unnecessary spending.
While I appreciate your desire to review my proposal, I have not seen this request made of the other candidates who are also stating their desire to move to the not-for-profit structure, and therefore I don't believe it's necessary for the purposes of this election.
I will be posting something shorty for all members which will outline what I would like to bring to the table.
Christian Szpilfogel wrote:
Hey Lena,
I'm getting confused about your position on this topic. In one breath you are saying that the volunteers should be able to dedicate the needed time to do the day to day busy work of a position and in another you are saying we should explore the role of an operational team. Further, last night you alluded to a proposal for an operational plan if you get elected.
Can you clarify your position on whether or not you support certain aspects of the organization being operationalized with hired help or not? I think it would also be useful for you to publish your plan over the next day or two so that there is an opportunity to review your proposal.
As someone who has been more of an observer over the last 2+ years, I view that the executive team seems to spend too much time on day to day matters as opposed to helping the organization meet its broader mandate. As the organization continues to grow, asking volunteers to do the busy work is not sustainable even with automation (though I'm sure we can do better on that front too).