The term limit was 2 years long before your time at OREIO. Then it was changed but I don't know when.
Have you considered why people don't come forward as candidates?
Maybe you have, but have you asked the membership why they don't come forward? I have, and there are ways to increase the participation levels so that other capable people can step in and help the organization.
We have been in elections before and we both know that there are pros and cons to term limits.
Luckily this year, OREIO members have 3 candidates for President to choose from.
Membership will determine what makes sense - voting in someone new with different ideas about how the organization can be lead, or voting in someone who has already sat on the Executive for the past 7 years. I'm totally cool with whatever the members decide.
I do know that if I'm lucky enough to be elected President, one of the first things I will organize is a lessons learned discussion about this year's elections so that the processes can improved.
Victor Menasce wrote:
Right now there is a three year term limit in any one position on the executive. OREIO has struggled for years to attract people to participate on the executive.
Even this year, out of the eight positions on the executive, only three were contested, four were acclaimed with a single candidate, and one had no nominee.
Under your proposal, you would bar capable people who are interested in contributing from doing so. Please explain how your proposal to forcibly retire capable people would actually help OREIO?
This makes no sense.