Hi all,
Tony Miller of OSLA is running an "eviction survey" under Ontario Landlord Surveys. It is a survey from a landlord's perspective.
The City is expected to release the "Renoviction Study" report before the end of March. ACORN and Alliance to End Homelessness have also been running their own survey.
OSLA, GOHBA and EOLO (with OREIO) have been working together to help moderate the outcome to ensure a balanced recommendation and Tony feels giving survey results that show renovictions from a landlord's perspective may help to balance these views. I believe that it will be supportive to the cause.
The survey is at the following link: https://ontariolandlordsurveys.lpages.co/ontario-landlords-survey/
EOLO has taken the initiative to produce a report for the City which we expect will be supported by various organizations including OREIO, GOHBA, and OSLA.